About Mrs. Chayaa Nanjappa Rajappa

Mrs. Chayaa Nanjappa Rajappa is an award-winning woman entrepreneur and the founder and managing partner of Nectar Fresh, which has become synonymous with quality honey in India and abroad. As a first-generation businesswoman, she is the vision, strength and spirit behind the success saga of the brand. Her perseverance has been instrumental in turning Nectar Fresh, since its inception in 2007, into a social enterprise that has garnered the backing of the Khadi and Village Industries Commission of the Government of India.
Under Mrs. Chayaa Nanjappa, Nectar Fresh has stood tall as one of the largest buyers of raw honey in the country. Her husband and business partner, Mr. Kuppanda Rajappa Muthanna, has stood by her not only being a tower of strength, but also by lending his own longstanding expertise in the agro plantations and retailing to Nectar Fresh. This social entrepreneurial couple hailing from Coorg, Karnataka, has been successful in integrating the food producers, manufacturers, retailers and consumers into a harmonious blend.
Helming a twist in the tale, Mrs. Chayaa Nanjappa Rajappa emerged indomitable and victorious in turning a seemingly deep personal crisis into a valuable business and brand of processed foods that has lent economic and moral strength to hundreds of women. Paucity in her formal education has not hindered her from taking bold steps in entrepreneurship. She went on to learn her lessons from her first job in the hospitality sector and successfully leveraged it further the cause of Nectar Fresh. The strength and force of her character has led ‘WeConnect International’, a global network for women entrepreneurs, to recognise Nectar Fresh as the first ‘Women Owned’ enterprise in India.
Over the years, another bold move of product diversification by Mrs. Chayaa Nanjappa has led to the launch of several agro-based food products of superior quality like fruit jams, coffee, tea, vinegars, spices, sauces, pickles, chia seeds and flax seeds. This move is also tempered by a genuine concern for the economic sustenance and development of the honey gatherers and farmers from the rural sector.
With little mentoring, support or experience, Mrs. Chayaa Nanjappa laid the foundations of Nectar Fresh that has emerged as a leader in its market niche, competing with global brands and undoing their monopoly. Under her, Nectar Fresh has emerged as a major player in the ‘Make in India’ initiative that not only aims at serving the domestic market, but also fetches precious foreign exchange to the national exchequer from international markets.
As a keen learner, Mrs. Chayaa Nanjappa has been self-motivated and industrious in mastering the entire range of business nuances of the agro-based food industry — from procuring the raw produces to managing the supply chain. On the other hand, she has been instrumental in mentoring, training and transferring of agro-technical knowhow to the little educated rural farmers and Adivasis. Her innovative methods of packaging food products using materials of high safety and quality standards have been a game changer for the presence of an Indian brand in the highly competitive global market. Under her, the R&D lab of Nectar Fresh has been untiringly engaged in innovating the food processing and packaging technologies. This industry and initiative by her has enlivened the ideology of a knowledge-based economy and society in India and has also earned her the recognition of the Indian agro industry. She has successfully created a unique and powerful business model that at once champions the social cause of economically supporting the rural farmers and also thrives in the corporate economy.
Brand excellence of Nectar Fresh has continued to achieve newer breadths and heights under the leadership of Mrs. Chayaa Nanjappa. Major players in the hotel and hospitality industry like Marriot, ITC, Hyatt, Radisson, et al, have trusted Nectar Fresh for delighting their customers with the best of the best. Walmart, Spar Hyper Market and many other retail giants have been deft in realising the market potential of Nectar Fresh and stock them continually in their stores. Further, a testimony to the excellence of Nectar Fresh has been the constant demand of its products by the Ayurvedic pharmaceutical industry that never compromises on the quality and safety of the ingredients for medicinal uses. Earning the valuable trust of the customers from various industries goes to accentuate the integrity, determination, honesty and leadership of Mrs. Chayaa Nanjappa.
In commitment to her noble mission of empowering the economically deprived sections of the society, Mrs. Chayaa Nanjappa has set up the ‘Naman Institute’ on the premises of Nectar Fresh to promote rural artisans — especially, the rural women.
Awards and honours have sought the exemplary role played by her in founding a humble rural enterprise and steering it into an Indian brand that has global presence. Some of them are:
- Prestigious member of the National Bee Board.
- Member of the National Level Advisory Committee for Honey Mission of KVIC.
- Member of the executive committee of Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology.
- The ‘Best Entrepreneur Award’ for ‘Food Processing’, COWE — 2013-2014.
- The ‘VIT Amazing Entrepreneur Award – The Weekend Leader’ — 2014-2015.
- CNBC ‘Women Entrepreneur Award’ — 2014-2015.
- The ‘Entrepreneurship Award’, KASSIA — 2014-2015.
- The ‘Priyadarshini Award’ for Outstanding Woman Entrepreneur — 2015-2016.
- The ‘SaarthakNaari Award’ — 2016.
- The prestigious ‘Laghu Udyog Bharati Woman Entrepreneur of the Year’ in the MSME sector — 2016-2017.
- Industrialist of the Year Award by Mysuru Chambers of Commerce and SAP — 2017-2018
- Industrialist Award—2018, by Rotary Mysuru Midtown Best.
- Chaired the session, ‘Inspiring Women’ at ‘The World Hindu Congress’, Chicago —2018.
- Selected for special training on ‘Scaling up of exports to quality conscious international market-2019’, Australia.
- Speakerat the prestigious ‘Hindu Economic Forum’, The Hague, Holland — July 2020.
- NITI Aayog’s ‘Women Transforming India Award’ on the 75th year of India’s Independence — 2022.
- Part of theNSIC Indian Delegation to Cardiff, UK.
- Speaker at the Indian Science Congress on ‘Implementing Technologies Acquired by R&D Labs’.
- Resource person for the conference by APO Japan.
- Resource person for the South Asian Women Developmental Forum (SAWDF), Sri Lanka.
- Resource person for the Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA).
Her brand Nectar Fresh has been the first brand in India to be using the ‘Women Owned’ logo of ‘We Connect.’